Monday, December 20, 2010

Movie Poster

Movie Poster
Digital Design 1
My inspiration for this project came from my odd mind, and it was easily put together... once I figured out how I wanted it to be. This is the finished product, and I am extremely happy with the results, this is my favorite project, and I think this turned out pretty awesome.

Art Poster

Art Poster
Digital Design 1
When making this poster, I filled the blank slate in with a light brown/tan color, then picked an awesome turquoise color. I made block letters and placed the images over them, and erased where it needed to be. This as well is finished, the only problem I had was cutting out the letters and such. I am very happy with it, and I hope that it gets picked to be put up all over in the hallway.


Digital Design 1
For this project I again used Photoshop, and had a few pictures taken of me, and this time my car. This is the finished product, The only problem I had was getting colors to match on my sweatshirt, and putting the intricate hand piece over mine.
I like the result, I just wish i were a little more pro at this type of project.

Friday, December 17, 2010

What's on your mind?

What's on your mind?!?!?!?!?!
                                         I made this awesome piece of art for Digital Design 1.
My inspiration for this project was my love for General Motors and their products. We had to have somebody take pictures of us or use existing pictures.
The thing I had the most problems with was cutting out the car emblems and figuring out a good location for the top of my head.
I am very happy with this project, cause it let me make my whole class aware of Michigan Central Station in Detroit.

Text Self-Portrait

This project has a lot of restraints on it. We had to create a self portrait only from letters. We made it on Photoshop, and it was very time consuming. The only major problem I had was finding a good font, and creating the base for my head.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Visible Invisible Friends That Are Me

Digital Design 1
Status: Completed

    This is the Silhouette project that we created on Photoshop. It consisted of cutting my body out of three pictures, aranging them in any position that I wanted to. Then I had to cover the images up with a color gradient, with a silmilar gradient in the background. Then we had to download certain types of brushes off of the internet, and place the designs all about the picture.
    The project was moderate in diffuculty, and it really wasn't what I was hoping for, but the project idea itself was not a favorite of mine.

Color Me Famous

15 Minutes of Fame
Digital Design 1
Status: Completed

     This project gave us the time to learn about Andy Warhol, the Pop art designer mainly popular back in the fifties and sixtes.
     For the picture, i had to take the bust portion from my picture, and size it so that 4 of them will fit on a standard sheet of paper. The upper left image is a monochromatic color scheme, and since blue is my favorite color, I chose it. The upper right picture is a two color, scheme, and I was in a Christmas-y mood that day, so red and green were choosen, also Red and Green are complimentary colors. The lower left image is three colors that are all compliments of each other (originally I had three awesome colors that gave the image a spooky effect, but the project requirements forced me to change them). And finally the bottom right photo has a plethora of colors that, to me, gives it a heat gun look, but heat had nothing to do with the color placement.
    I love this picture, and am very happy with the way it turned out. I plan to make the picture my Facebook profile picture for a while. And who knows, I may go back and change it to give it a spooky effect for the Halloween season.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bottle-cap Magnet

     This project was called "Bottle-cap Heart Jewelry". I made it for Digital Design one.
     My favorite band is Sugarland, and when I heard we had to make a design that consisted of a heart, their symbol was the first thing that I thought of. Their new album, The Incredible Machine which was coming out a few weeks after the project was announced, gave me the perfect basis for using them.
     I used Photoshop CS3, to make a 1"diameter circle and place a metal background on (a reference to the machine). I then took an image of the heart and wings off the internet, and positioned it over the background.
     The text was the part I had the most trouble with, it took me quite a few tries just to learn how to use the process, then a bunch more to get it perfect on the picture.
     When we finished the computer part of the project we had to print the circle out, and cut it out using a HUGE single hole punch. Then we placed the circle into a bottlecap, and our wonderful teacher Mr. Manco poured an apoxy over the paper to seal it into place.
     I am very happy with the finished product. I have it hanging up in my locker, and love to just sit and look at it. As it says on the picture, the album debuted yesterday, and I love it soo much, i pre-ordered it in July, received it early.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Road Sign: Highjacked!

The title of this project is Freddie Crossing, it is a highjacked podestrian roadsign that I altered for my Digital Design 1 class.
I took the standard issue 'Pedestrian Crossing' sign, and added my own little bit of humor. I made the sign on Adobe Photoshop CS3, and this is the final product. I basically just created a hat shape on his head, the street sign, and free-handed the hand, with the Freddie Kruger claws.
The only problem I had was with the thumb, I could not get it to look right, but in the end I am pleased with the results of the thumb, and the project itself.
I hope you enjoyed my first project, and very first blog post, don't worry, I'll be back.